Cait Meree Cait Meree

Holiday Enough - How to clear the clutter

It all begins with an idea.

When I think about Flora and Fuego - it’s not just pretty wood flowers… it’s a lifestyle. It’s about brining beauty and joy into your life every single dang day. It’s about celebrating whimsy and romance and fun and not being afraid to shine and be that “extra” version of you that sometimes we hide away. Why do we hide? Speaking for myself only - I’m afraid of not being enough. Adult enough. Successful enough. Smart enough. Fit enough. Empathetic enough. Enough enough! UGH! It’s just absolutely exhausting.

Now cue the holidays. It’s pitched as this amazing time to relax and celebrate with family and friends. Memories come back of past holidays. Maybe you were alone, maybe you had a traumatic event, maybe you had the best time of your life, maybe something incredible happened. Maybe all of those things are true and maybe none of them are. It’s a lot of emotions for any human being to process and not only are you processing, but you are doing it in front of an audience. If you have a tendency towards introversion like I do - that’s a lot of pressure. On top of everything else - how can I be holiday enough?!

If you are like me, you might have trinkets from family and friends that have been collected over the years and are each extraordinarily special in unique ways. Where I struggle, especially when I know my home is going to become a holiday hosting center, is how to showcase these unique pieces without looking like a hoarder. Lucky for me, I have an amazing therapist that has helped me learn to proudly shine my true self, and my home has become a reflection of that. She has taught me that I am ENOUGH ENOUGH. Is it a struggle every day? Heck yeah! But so is doing the dishes and taking out the trash. Here are three easy things you can do to help clear you holiday home and mind.

  1. Make a special item box. Marie Kondo that *ish (diet version). Does it bring you joy? Does it make you feel comfortable in your space? Does it fit with the vibe you are going for? Then put it out there! If not, don’t trash it, but put it in your “special item” box. This box can be any size that works for your home and contains those special things that you can’t part with but you don’t want out of your life just yet. Revisit it as the seasons change (physically or metaphorically) and pull things out as they bring you joy. Sometimes we aren’t ready to process the emotions that items bring out in us. It doesn’t mean they belong in the trash.

  2. Live by the rule of 3. One of my favorite design rules is the rule of three. It basically means that the layout, size and shape of items are more appealing visually and more memorable in odd number pairings over even numbered pairings. If it’s one, three, five, fifty one (maybe too much but I don’t know your life)… the rule of three asks you pick an odd number of things (I highly recommend 1, 3 or 5 but again - live your life) and showcase them. It doesn’t have to be the same thing (see the picture above of the mantle - it’s a grouping of 5 things (one gnome family, two sets of candles, one wood carving, and one horse) that act as a unit of 5. The rule of three also makes you prioritize those special objects. What are the 1 to 5 things you think are most beneficial to show?

  3. Do it for you. One of the most important things I’m learning is to make choices that are beneficial for me. That might sound selfish but hear me out. Chose items that mean something to the people living in your home and make you all smile. We all have that person in our lives that likes to make… comments… (maybe it’s your mom, dad, sister, judgy coworker or grandparent). They don’t live there. It’s not their home and you have graciously invited them into your space - a huge act of trust! Pick those things that bring YOU joy. Haters are going to hate and you gotta shake it off (thank you ever wise Taylor Swift!). Selecting items that represent you and your family (read the people that live in your house) and bring you all joy visually is one of the best ways to help process those holiday feelings of enoughness. Your mental goals are manifested in your physical space (UFFTA!).

See what I did there? Rule of the three! But seriously. These are three things I do to help not only survive but thrive during the holiday season. Let’s all acknowledge the societal pressure that holidays bring and how that’s an emotional time for many (good and bad). I hope these tricks help you show your true self and make your home and life a little easier to digest this holiday season.

Remember - the best kind of love is self love!


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